Our reputation is built on trust and business loyalty.
Our clients

About us
In the past several years, Executive Solutions Group have supervised various projects on land and sea. We made great strides and gained impressive working knowledge carrying out complex electrical installations. We never cease to develop and fine tune our internal process, delivering projects and providing our services worldwide. Our experts, managers, electricians and others employees ensure that our work on land, sea and ships meets the industry highest standards and we never miss a deadline. We are committed to providing comprehensive services, which is why we offer design, execution, assembling, maintenance and modernization works.
What we do?
We provide services to ship owners and main contractors of offshore projects, shipyards, housing developers and companies supervising the exec ution of various performance. From design, valuation to assembly, implementation and service. Electrical, carpentry, plumbing and welding works. We provide skilled, well-trained and experienced project managers, team leaders and technicians. We pay special attention to the copletion of projects on schedule.
Why us?
We value the highest quality in everything we do. We employ the best electricians and highly specialized shipyard workers. Our employees have gained rich experience working on projects around the world. We have built a team that is harmonious and communicative, where a fruitful relationship with the customer is an imperative. As a result, our projects have always met with approval and received positive customer feedback. Our managerial processes and robust tools help us face challenges and efficiently responds to unexpected situations. We meet our customers’ needs and always deliver projects on schedule.
Our offer
Here at Executive Solutions Group we focus on the best solutions and the most reliable people. In our team we have experienced electricians and highly skilled shipyard staff. Our field of expertise is electrical installations carried out both on land, sea, and on site. We always deliver on time and our number one priority is safety.
Our numbers speak for themselves
Successful projects
Happy clients
Years on the market
Professional workers
352Connect with us
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Our offices

Executive Solutions Norway AS
Havnegata 10
3040 Drammen
Norway No org. 924 519 592
office@executivesolutions.plshow on map
Management Office
Al. Niepodległości 660
81-854 Sopot
tel: +48 793 222 833 office@executivesolutions.plshow on map
Executive Solutions Denmark ApS
Fruebjergvej 3
2100 Copenhagen OE
Denmark CVR 41083123
office@executivesolutions.plshow on map
Sales Office
Al. Mamourah Street Al. Nakheel
Ras Al. Khaimah
United Arab Emirates
office@executivesolutions.plshow on map